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Piece of earth - Herkimer Diamond

Piece of earth - Herkimer Diamond

  • Ring Material: Recycled 925 Sterling Silver
  • Ring Thickness: 1.5 mm
  • Stone: Herkimer diamond. Origin. New York.
  • Stone Size: @ 10 mm
  • Collection: Piece of Earth

Produksjonstid: 1 dag til 1 uke.


Herkimer Diamonds are the most powerful of all Quartz crystals. Being doubly terminated, they have the ability to not only transmit their own energies, but to receive spiritual energy and to amplify and focus it intently. They are reported to be harder than all other Quartz, giving them the strength and durability to handle difficult challenges beyond the scope of other Quartz crystals. What they lack in physical size, they more than make up for in spirit energy.


Chakra: Crown

Zodiac: All





This mineral owes its name to Herkimer County, New York, USA, the principal place where it is found. The small, double-terminated crystals are short and stubby, formed in a hard rock matrix giving them their strength. They may be exceptionally clear and colorless, or contain rainbow inclusions, air bubbles, or black carbon deposits. A small percentage of these crystals contain enhydro inclusions of water. Some are smoky rather than clear, and similar-looking crystals have been found at other sites, but generally do not have the same hardness or high gloss of genuine Herkimer Diamonds. 

    kr 1 250,00 Regular Price
    kr 625,00Sale Price



    Har ikke så mye aent å si enn Herregud for en vakker ring! Passer helt perfekt!

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it


    Dette smykket her var fantastisk vakkert! Helt perfekt lengde, og krystallen gir det lille ekstra uten å være «stor og klumsete»! Rett og slett et diskret og vanvittig vakkert smykke!

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it


    Utrolig vakre og beskrivende kort med medfølgende bok for ytterligere informasjon 😍

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it

    Mette Lislerud

    Så vakkert kjede🤩 Og stenen er helt nydelig, ren og pen🤩 Har handlet flere ganger hos dere og rask og god service! Kommer til å handle igjen👍🏼

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it


    Jeg har kjøpt mange ulike varer hos Moore, Som smykker, stener og krystaller både til meg selv, venner &familie, jeg er like fornøyd hvergang, å jeg elsker alle skattene og de gir meg en god energi og fine ritualer jeg får tatt med i hverdagen, i tillegg er det flere av varene jeg har kjøpt som er fine reminders Og fine å ha til pynt. sist men ikke minst levering går sjapt og innpakningen er så fine & elegante + eco! - setter pris på at de tar vare på miljøet på alle nivå, og det gjør det virkelig til et profesjonelt, trygt og godt sted å handle med ren samvittighet.

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it


    Makes me calm and centered. Perfect lamp for good energy in the bedroom!

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it

    Caroline Hultgren

    Love it. Fits to any outfit and occasion

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it


    Beautiful crystals & super service <3

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it

    Monica Øien

    My fav place to get gems and nive jewelry. Love moore

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it


    Fint unicorn-smykke! Fine fargar og god kvalitet:)

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it

    Ronald Belaza

    I love it because its uniqe with spirituels stones that helps ur energy, health and its looks amazing beautiful!❤️😍

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it


    Love this so much - feels really nice quality and looks great in my room!

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it


    I love jewellery by Moore. Beautiful handcrafted art with nature’s powerful crystals.

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it


    I love this ring. So unique and beautiful. Feels empowering to wear.

    average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it
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