ONE OFF - Colombian Peña Blanca Lemurian Quartz - high quality Quartz cr
Rare and high quality Quartz - Colombia
23x11 cm
1.835 gram
The Peña Blanca Mine has rightfully gained the reputation for producing the clearest and brightest quartz on the market in recent years. These stunning crystals which feature The Lemurian formation are artisanally mined by a local association of miners who live at the Peña Blanca in the beautiful Colombian Andes. The mountain is beautifully lush in vegetation, flanked by tall white cliffs, often shrouded in an early morning fog, surrounded buy a 360° folded mountain landscape
Locality: Peña Blanca, Colombia
Quartz Crystal is a stone of clarity which clears away negative energy and brings purity. Its a very spiritual stone that we humans naturaly connects with.
You can wear Quartz Crystal to cleanses, protects, and increase the auric field, sealing any holes.
Chakra: Crown
Zodiac: (All) Cancer , Leo
***Disclaimer*** I am sure most of us crystal people understand this already but.....Due to the subjective nature of metaphysical crystals/crystal healing the descriptions used here are only for symbolic reference only. Therefore, there are no claims, guarantees or promises of any metaphysical properties/abilites of these crystals***
Metaphysical Description:
These crystals assist with ascending above your current level of awareness/life patterns into new realms of empowerment and frontiers of expansion. They assist as a catalyst when life is feeling stuck to propel you into faster forward living levels of vibration. They help retrieve, decode and process information from realms beyond your current frequency of consciousness.