Tvillingenes krystall kit
Tvillingenes Krystaller - Kit.
Stor mental kapasitet, mange ideer, er nysgjerrig er stor, rask oppfattelsesevne,
reiselyst, og liker å ha flere baller i lufta samtidig. Idealistisk, søker informasjon, er lett til sinns og munter, intelligent, allsidig, fleksibel og tilpasningsdyktig,
- Svart tourmalin
Tourmaline is a stone that communicates well with our body. It calms the nerves and can help you stand agains illness in your body.
You can wear Tourmaline to enhance metabolism or to help resist anxiety and depression.
Chakra: Root
- Tiger eye
Stone of balance and anti anxiety.
Tiger eye combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is nevertheless grounded,
Tiger Eye balances yin.yang and energizes the emotional body. It alleviates depression and lifts mood.
Chakra: Sacral
- Aquamarine:
Stone for expression and flow.
Strongest stone for clearing and activating the throat chakra. It stimulates energy from the heart to the throat, allowing ones deepest and heartfelt truth to be communicated.
You can have Aquamarine to see the higher values and to have an easier time to let go of things.
Chakra: Throat
- Honning Calcite
Honey Calcite teaches us about the right use of power. It encourages
responsibility in leadership and can help with recovering from abusive situations. Honey Calcite increases feelings of self worth, confidence and courage and assists to overcome obstacles. It is helpful for learning of all types and
developing skills.
Chakra: Sacral
- Svart Agat
Gir ro, skjermer mot andres og egne projeksjoner. Opphever blokkeringer. Gjør oss bevisst vår egen indre skjønnhet. Symboliserer dybde, åndelig energi og kraft. Kan fungere som en `støvsuger`på smerter.
Fysisk: God mot allt av smerter.
Chakra: Rot.