Løvens krystall kit
Løvens Krystaller - Kit.
Løver er stolte, har verdighet og optimisme. Er sjenerøs, ambisiøs, liker
oppmerksomhet. Har godt humør, sprer livsglede, varme og latter. De er raus, artistisk, uttrykksfull og utfolder seg.
- Honning Calcite
Honey Calcite teaches us about the right use of power. It encourages
responsibility in leadership and can help with recovering from abusive situations. Honey Calcite increases feelings of self worth, confidence and courage and assists to overcome obstacles. It is helpful for learning of all types and
developing skills.
Chakra: Sacral
- Quartz
Quartz Crystal is a stone of clarity which clears away negative energy and brings purity. Its a very spiritual stone that we humans naturaly connects with.
You can use Quartz Crystal to cleanses, protects, and increase the auric field, sealing any holes.
Chakra: Crown
- Tiger eye
Stone of balance and anti anxiety.
Tiger eye combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is nevertheless grounded,
Tiger Eye balances yin.yang and energizes the emotional body. It alleviates depression and lifts mood.
Chakra: Sacral